Thursday, July 14, 2011

Seventy sleeps

We have a deadline. We fly away on September 22nd. Holy crap, this is real.

And we have the beginnings of a plan. While discussing flights and our options of days to leave, Brandon mentioned something about wanting to start this adventure off with a bang. Why not begin with a bit of a holiday? So instead of flying direct to Glasgow, we're saving a rather large chunk of money and flying instead to London. We'll spend a few days there to do all the touristy stuff and then make our way north.

And I'm not sure if it was because I'd had half a Caesar or if it was the thought of returning to London, but I'm surprisingly completely okay with this. Usually I'm a direct-flight-only, do-not-deviate-from-the-plan kind of girl. But I told Brandon I'm completely fine with getting there, having some fun, and then letting him figure out how to get us to Glasgow when we're ready to go. Judging from his reaction, I think that may have been one of the best things I've ever said to him!

So, let the countdown begin!

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